Every Artful Spark event (and flyer) since the first in 2015 all in one place.

#07 Producers, Unite!
Often misunderstood but absolutely essential: what makes a great producer?
Speakers: Matt Adams, Andrea Moccia, JiaXuan Hon, Tim Wright, Dan Tucker, Russell McLean, Muki Kulhan
Demos: Netflix’s proprietary branching-narrative tool behind Bandersnatch

#06 Playful Interfaces
Tired of touchscreens? Ditch the keyboard and join us for something far more playful.
Speakers: Tim Burrell-Saward, Robin Baumgarten, Phoenix Perry, Daniel Hirschmann
Demos: Beasts of Balance, Bot Party, 3D light rig, Pixel wall

#05 Real-Time
Featuring a truly boundary-defying project showing just how exciting it is when technology and performance collide.
Speakers: Sarah Ellis, Ben Lumsden, Laura Kriefman, Tom Burton, Katy Beale
Demos: The MoCap suit developed by RSC, Intel & Imaginarium, Holo Gauze, Kicking the Mic, RAM Dance Toolkit

#04 Mixed Reality
Exploring how reality can be poked and prodded in the name of art: softened at the edges, sprinkled with wonder and supercharged.
Speakers: Ruth Gibson, Bruno Martelli, David Kaskell, Sarah Grochala, Michael Takeo Magruder
Demos: Richard Wetzel’s Mixed Reality card deck, Holo Lens from Fracture Games, HTC Vive from Preloaded, Breaking Fourth’s GearVR theatre show & the Guardian’s 6×9 on Cardboard

#03 Sensors
From biometrics to proximity, pollution, pressure and gesture, the machines are awake and listening like never before!
Speakers: Tom Pursey, Ling Tan, Matt Johnson, Tarim, Rosie Poebright, Simon Johnson
Demos: Bodiam Castle’s Echo Horn, range of Bare Conductive kit, Tarim’s telekinetic rods

#02 Immersive Sound
Celebrating the virtues of sound in all its forms: interactive, immersive and intoxicating
Speakers: Ron Herrema, Tony Churnside, Tim Murray-Browne
Demos: Musical barcodes

#01 Wearables
Featuring flying Bluetooth capes and magical MiMu gloves, the inaugural Artful Spark kicked off in November 2015 at the wonderful Furtherfield Gallery.
Speakers: Rachel Freire, Tincuta Heinzel, Tine Bech, Zoe Philpotts
Demos: MiMu Gloves